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Nepotism Pays

Nepotism Pays

Ever heard that hard work leads to success? Apparently, that’s wrong. Last month, our poll revealed that readers believe the number one reason people get ahead in a company is NEPOTISM. In fact, 48% believe that being the boss’s son is the secret to getting ahead, while only 25% said success comes from doing...

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Don't Keep Score

Don’t Keep Score

Hey, with the national political process well underway, wouldn’t it be cool if you had grown up with the President-to-be and he owed you a big favor? WRONG! (Sorry, trick question.) As tempting as that may sound, this kind of thinking will actually lead you to real failure in life on so many dimensions. Nothing...

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Be a Conference Commando

Be a Conference Commando

The Bush administrations proposal to cut $119 million from the SBA’s 2005 fiscal year budget doesn’t seem to upset the SBA’s leader, Hector V. Barreto, as Elizabeth Olson writes in a recent New York Times News Service article. Barreto defended the administration’s proposal saying that revisions in the SBA’s most popular loan program will eliminate the need...

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Never Lead Alone

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