Foresight and Business Planning

Creating A Data Culture: Tips From The Pros

Creating A Data Culture: Tips From The Pros

Building a data culture is mission-critical for business transformation, but how do you drive this change—especially with limited resources, talent shortages and a loosely defined mandate? Ferrazzi Greenlight partnered with the Data Leadership Collaborative to host a roundtable of chief data officers to see how some of the smartest and most progressive CDOs have driven change. I...

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How CFOs Are Adding Value To Working Culture To Win The War For Talent

How CFOs Are Adding Value To Working Culture To Win The War For Talent

Chief Financial Officers are emerging as critical players in the war to attract, develop, and retain talent across an organization — with the need to understand people metrics becoming as vital as the top and bottom-line numbers of the business. Traditionally, CFOs’ interest in human resources questions stretched only as far as compensation and benefits...

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To Be Known, Or Unknown

To Be Known, Or Unknown

Few things can have greater impact on your personal brand and your organization’s brand recognition than developing and sharing your expertise with the world. Whether you call it becoming a thought leader or a public expert, or, as marketing guru Steven Yoder’s book espouses, Getting Slightly Famous, you should do it. Trust me. I’m living...

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Making Business Personal

Making Business Personal

One of the most common mistakes people make when building relationships for career success and revenue growth is treating business contacts differently than personal friends. Just think for a moment about the people you work with on a professional level who are also close personal friends. Aren’t they always more forgiving when you slip up...

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Look for the Loose Brick

Look for the Loose Brick

I hear salespeople say that speaking to a particular prospect was like “hitting a brick wall.” The prospect’s guard was up in full force. The prospect seemed to get bored or, worse yet, to actually become defensive or offensive, as the case may be, every time the salesperson mentioned a product benefit or feature. It...

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Do Your Homework (Really)

Do Your Homework (Really)

Before I meet with any new prospect I’ve been thinking of introducing myself to, I make damn sure I do my homework. And when I say homework, I mean more than checking to see if the company has a website by typing to do research on a marketing executive at Amazon. Sure, you should...

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