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Instant Intimacy

Instant Intimacy

Whether your goal is to sell more widgets or make more friends, you’ll be more successful the quicker you can connect with people. And of course, the more intimate the connection, the better. So let’s discuss how you can capitalize on the many brief interactions at your next conference or social gathering. Someone recently asked...

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Moments Like These

Moments Like These

Two weekends ago was the 7th anniversary of the death of my father, a man I loved deeply, and one who probably loved me even more. But with all the hustle and bustle of leading my growing company, delivering keynotes and training seminars, promoting my new book Never Eat Alone , and trying to fit...

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Connecting with Connectors

Connecting with Connectors

My new book — Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time — was recently released by Currency/Doubleday. In Never Eat Alone, I expose many secrets behind the success of so many accomplished people. Most of these secrets involve the power of relationships and how we all can succeed best...

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The No-time Networking Plan

The No-time Networking Plan

Need a little entertainment — and a jolt of advertising inspiration? Check out Adweek’s BestSpots, a monthly listing of some of the most creative television commercials, according to the editors of Adweek. One of December’s picks, a PBS commercial called “Bedtime,” features a father reading Little Red Riding Hood to his daughter. During the story,...

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Seven Tips for Networking Through the Holidays

Seven Tips for Networking Through the Holidays

Use your holiday merry making as an opportunity to connect with people that can help make you a success. These networking strategies should help get you started. Bring back the pre-party! Whatever inspiration you want to draw from your crazier college days is up to you, but the idea here is that if someone else...

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Look for the Loose Brick

Look for the Loose Brick

I hear salespeople say that speaking to a particular prospect was like “hitting a brick wall.” The prospect’s guard was up in full force. The prospect seemed to get bored or, worse yet, to actually become defensive or offensive, as the case may be, every time the salesperson mentioned a product benefit or feature. It...

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Will the Happy Entrepreneur Please Stand Up?

Will the Happy Entrepreneur Please Stand Up?

I was recently teaching first-year students at the UCLA Anderson School of Management how to build relationships for career growth. As in my recent column on’s Sales & Networking Resource Center, I discussed “currencies,” or the unique knowledge, talents, interests, connections, etc., that each of us possess, things we can give to others to build...

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Do Your Homework (Really)

Do Your Homework (Really)

Before I meet with any new prospect I’ve been thinking of introducing myself to, I make damn sure I do my homework. And when I say homework, I mean more than checking to see if the company has a website by typing to do research on a marketing executive at Amazon. Sure, you should...

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Confessions of a Networking Luddite

Confessions of a Networking Luddite

Newspapers Need Reinvention For years now, the newspaper industry has been virtually paralyzed as it has watched its readership age and younger consumers turn to other media. While they’ve made a few feeble gestures, for the most part, newspapers have seemed to accept this geriatricizing as inevitable. The argument: younger readers were brought up on...

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Ferrazzi: Stars Need Personal Branding, Too

Ferrazzi: Stars Need Personal Branding, Too

My friend Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision, recently brought his friend Lionel Richie to one of our regular meetings where we brainstorm ideas and exchange candid advice and a healthy dose of mutual admiration. So, with some of the smartest people I know, we held a personal branding strategy session for Lionel Richie. Here’s a...

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Never Lead Alone

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