Team Ignition
We create agile, high performing, and Radically Adaptable™, interconnected teams.
The hurdles for business success have been radically raised while the terrain has become rockier
Leaders need their teams to seriously level up and work together to create exponential leaps forward. This requires teams to be bolder and eliminate silos by operating openly. The mindsets, processes, and practices must shift to achieve not 10% improvement but 10X. What is needed is simple. New thinking. New behaviors. New skills.
Introducing Team Ignition
A radically new immersive workshop to awaken your team to partner together in new ways, be able to deliver goals that seem out of reach, and develop capabilities that are not present today.
We kick start your team by coaching them to new ways of working. When we shift team behaviors, you get elevated and expedited results.
Unleash the 43% latent value in your team
In as little as one 90-minute session, we reboot manager and leader capabilities and empower your teams to immediately accelerate and elevate results
Our Team Competency Research Shows That In Teams Only
tangible value from
minds during
lift each others’
actively hold each
other accountable
Source: Data Assessments from Ferrazzi Greenlight 2000-2021
Team Ignition is the methodology for leaders to leapfrog business results forward 3-5 years
Seeing around corners regularly and systematically, enabling you to assess risk and opportunities for effective planning
Leveraging the same short-term sprints that keep us on our trajectory during crisis and not slipping back into old ways of working
With remote, hybrid, and in-person teams, be unbridled in embracing diversity, hearing all voices, and being committed to the mission and each other
Leaders need to treat resilience as the science of energy. Attention to mental and physical wellbeing cannot be an afterthought
With our support, your teams can expect:
another, even when it is risky to do so
relationships to enable greater outcomes
and team-based accountability
We’ve been ahead of the trend for more than 20 years
Our methodologies are proven and tested. Even in this era of COVID-19, team transformation is possible when skills are sharpened, learning is experiential, and trust is established.
Our remote, hybrid, and in person services cover
- Team Foresight
- Team Agility
- Team Collaboration and Inclusion
- Team Resilience
- Radical Adaptability™
- Peer-to-Peer Coaching
Team Ignition Approach
After 20-years of research and real-world application, we know the fastest way to drive sustainable change is through peer-to-peer coaching for increased accountability and a new philosophy on relationships between team members.
Together, working in new, proven ways, your team learns a new methodology to perform. The Team Ignition participants experience an effective shift in their ability to accelerate their outcomes across critical initiatives.
Team Ignition empowers the team to cross the finish line together and dramatically unleashes the latent potential that sits within each person on your team.
Through our coaching experiences, you’ll help your people leaders activate and grow while they help their teams and organization overall to deliver scalable solutions in a more meaningful, easier way.
Teams that are truly interdependent and own each other’s success invite people to coach and support them and don’t feel threatened by the feedback they receive. Opening porosity (a willingness to change) and igniting these behaviors means empowering your team to trust each other and put mutual success at the core of all we do. That’s Co-Elevation® rather than co-existence, resistance, or resentment. How does your team show up?
How does Team Ignition Work?
We reboot manager and leader capabilities so your teams can be lead differently in the next 1-3 months. Yes, results that fast.
How? Because our work is practical in nature and tackles real business challenges; we can accelerate results when we show your team leaders new, high-return practices. We share tools and coach them how to deliver in an easier way that they never thought possible.
We transform, not just train.
We educate managers and leaders how to serve each other with greater transparency, intentionality, and authenticity. This human-centric approach to teaming delivers more evolved team capabilities and the team achieves more, and faster.
With our modular approach you can choose which components to kick start your journey with, or we can create a tailored experience that will exceed your expectations.
It takes the same time to get 10% improvement as it takes to get 10X outcomes. We target the latter, and our proven methodology will help your teams be more effective, efficient, and more joyful as they deliver on their priorities.
Why is Team Ignition critical to your success?
What Our Clients Say